
1-6-2014 Science - Fair Testing!

Here is the checklist the children are using in class to support their learning with fair testing.


The children have been put into groups of three, four and five. The children have chosen their own investigations with changing variables, a question and a hypothesis. At the moment, most of the children are busy writing up the method and getting together their equipment to begin testing.

IMPORTANT: The children are mostly responsible for getting their own equipment organised. If there is any equipment that they need help getting then they need to ask at home or ask me to help them. Otherwise the equipment will not be supplied.

Here is a list of the experiments the kids are doing. Click on the experiments to a direct link which will provide further information.

Elephant Toothpaste 1. Nico, Sabine, Lucy, Charlotte, Emily

Elephant Toothpaste 2. Shaarav, Kane, Luke, William

Floating paperclips - Michael, Sol, Logan, Jordan

Baking soda and vinegar rocket - Will, Sean, Jono, Matthew

Make glowing water - Oliver, Levi, Munro, Kaden

Lava Lamp - Lydia, Aria, Nina

Bend water with Static Electricity - Tony, Daniel, Thomas, Lachie

Melting Chocolate - Evelyn, Jovita, Laura, Tamsin