Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Luke and the Fluke

Luke's Fluke

Well,It's quite of a long story,but anyways,While I'm here I guess I should tell you it.

It was 29th of December 2013 I had $100 in my wallet and everyday I drove up to the mall the same thing would happen Sorry,Sold out! I hatred this answer,But Today would be different,Today would be different Sorry,Sold out! Dagnabbit,Anyways,on Sunday I tried and guess what! Right there on the shelf was the game for Hmmmmm... $100 I walked up to my Mum and said "Can I have this!" "NO!" "Why not?" "Because we can find it online much CHEAPER""Hmph,I spent 2 weeks trying to find this!" "N-O spells NO!""Awwwww!" The next day... "Can we look for it online at the Mighty Ape""Sure She looked online On The Mighty Ape it's $60""Yaaaaaaaaay I shouted Can we buy it" I asked "Yes" said Mum.

Based on a true story called Luke and the Curse

In the End: Luke got his game
PS:No one was harmed in the making of this Story!

Signed By Luke Hands 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Luke! Great to see you are making use of the blog at home. Enjoy!
