Thursday, 19 June 2014

Baking Soda and Vinegar Volcano

I predict that when I put baking soda and vinegar it will have a reaction. You will see fizz and foam.

1. First get out a tray and put a glass on it.
2. Pour 150 ml of vinegar into the glass.
3. Put 2 tsp of baking soda into the glass.

The baking soda and vinegar reacted. I saw vinegar flow over the edge of the glass.

My hypothesis was correct.  


  1. I love this expirement. Although I wouldn't mind asking some questions;
    Why does these two substances react?
    Why does it foam?
    Still awesome to me!

  2. Baking soda and vinegar is a classic experiment! I like how you were able to identify that the vinegar is the acid and the baking soda is the base. You spoke really well in the video; your voice was nice and clear and you were easy to understand. Did you practise this before you filmed it, or are you just a natural?
    Oliver - Will could probably tell you why these substances react, he has been doing it for his experiment.
