One day the trunkless elephants were having a mud bath. The youngest one said "I wish there was some way of cleaning ourselves! the only way we can clean ourselves is in the river where the crocodiles live"."I know! its been like this for years it's ever so frustrating" exclaimed the oldest one."Im setting out in the jungle asking anyone can help us in any way" added the angry baby elephant "but but but" argued the mother elephant,but it was to late the baby elephant had already set off through the jungle."can you help me" asked he baby elephant politely "with what?" asked the giraffe "a way to wash ourselves we are getting dirtier by the minute.” “sorry”said the giraffe.By now the elephant family were getting very worried.Next the baby elephant tried the parrot family.”Can you me with a way to wash? we are getting very dirty” “well let me think hmmm...
aha i’ve got an idea” said the parrot gleefully
“please take me to your family” so baby elephant quickly took the parrot to his home “right let me
show you all a way to wash” added the parrot . “watch this” continued the parrot as he started the marvellous sight of stretching out the skin of
the elephants trunk.”this is what i call a trunk”
said the parrot proudly, all the elephants gratefully thanked the parrot.And that is how the elephant got its trunk!
Really cool nina! You should edit this to include your name though, and a tag :) I really like the way you used dialogue and repetition in this story, very legend-like!