Monday, 5 May 2014

Welcome Back to Term 2!

Science Inquiry

Does using more vinegar make more fizz?

Building a fizz-inflator.


4 teaspoons of baking soda

50ml, 100ml, 150ml and 200ml of vinegar

4 even sized and shaped vessels or bottles with a narrow neck

a funnel

A measuring cup

A teaspoon

4 balloons

measuring tape



Step 1:  Put a teaspoon of baking soda into each bottle

Step 2: Place the funnel in the neck of the bottle

Step 3: Measure 50ml, 100ml, 150ml, or 200ml of vinegar

Step 4: Get your balloon ready

Step 5: Get a friend to carefully pour in the vinegar, remove the funnel and quickly put the balloon around the neck of the bottle

Step 6: When the fizzing has completely stopped measure the circumference around the widest part of the balloon

Step 7: Record your results.

Step 8: Repeat with a different amount of vinegar.
Sol gets ready to measure the balloon while Michael holds the fizz-inflator steady.

Matthew assisting with the fizz-inflator.

The messy table! Miss Taylor spilled a lot of vinegar.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun!
    Check out our post about Buddy Time here:
